Someone Cares Campaign

Someone Cares

Show Someone You Care

Show Someone You Care

*Limit one free package per sender. Additional packages may be sent with a minimum donation of $5 per care package to cover shipping costs.

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The What and the Why

On August 3rd, Fundamental Change is launching the Someone Cares campaign. Someone Cares aims to assist individuals who may be emotionally affected by COVID-19 and the current Stay at Home orders. This initiative is inspired by the reality that many individuals are feeling alone or isolated due to public health risks and directives. As a result, many are fearful of contracting the virus or experiencing job loss or financial hardships. Others are feeling stressed about meeting their basic needs. Individuals experiencing fear or stress are at increased risk of developing or exacerbating depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions — or worse.

FundaMental Change wants everyone to know that ‘somebody cares’ about them and that there are resources available to help them get through this challenging time.

The Someone Cares campaign will allow individuals to nominate a family member or friend to receive a care package at no cost. The Someone Cares care package will contain an encouraging note, a public health compliant face mask, hand sanitizer, and other comforting items. Care packages are available to be shipped domestically while supplies last.

The Insight

According to a recent article in Healthline (2020):

  • Americans are reporting significant and sustained increases in symptoms of depression and anxiety related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Women, minorities, people with preexisting health conditions, and adults under 34 all reported higher rates of fear and anxiety.
  • The number of people reporting these symptoms are well above historical norms.
  • Experts caution that spotting symptoms of mental health issues could be especially challenging given the current environment of stay-at-home orders and physical distancing.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and isolation efforts, Americans have been reporting increasing pressure on their mental health. Whether it’s because they’ve lost a job or fear losing one, the continuous onslaught of worry and insecurity is leading to greater mental health issues than before.

Today, Americans are reporting more symptoms and signs of depression, anxiety, and fear than historic norms. This increase has been sustained and showing no signs yet of fading.

Three-in-five Americans reported that they fear they’ll contract the virus. And the effects of this fear may not be felt equally in all groups:

  • Women report being concerned more than men (64% to 55%).
  • Not surprisingly, perhaps, people with preexisting health issues also reported higher rates of fear and anxiety.
  • Hispanic people were nearly twice as likely to say they’re “very scared” compared to white people (29% to 16%). Twenty-six percent of black people were “very scared” in the survey.
  • Surprisingly, people in younger age groups were more likely to rate themselves as “very scared” of getting sick.
  • Twenty-two percent of adults 18 to 34 years old said they were “very scared,” but only 16% of people 55+ considered themselves “very scared.” And the self-reported incidence of depression is also higher than historic norms right now, 49% of respondents showed some signs of depression, ranging from mild to severe. Historically, that number is around 37%.

Our Goal

To assist as many individuals as possible with a comforting message, helpful items, and readily accessible mental health information.

Donate to the Someone Cares Campaign Today!

Privacy Disclaimer

FundaMental Change will not share or sell your personal information with other third parties without your consent, including public organizations, corporations, or individuals. The personal information collected will only be used by FundaMental Change for the purpose of delivering "Someone Cares" packages and for sharing FundaMental Change news updates, and resources.

If you would like to opt out of email communication, please mark the appropriate box on the form.

Special Thanks

FundaMental Change would like to offer a special thank you to KinshipGlow for volunteer time and donating a special item of comfort for each care package.

a logo for a company called Kinship Glow


The Department of Mental Health Help Line serves as the primary entry point for mental health services with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Services provided by our staff include:

  • Mental health screening and assessment
  • Referral to a service provider
  • Crisis counseling
  • Mobilizing field response teams
  • Linkages to other resources

Mental Health Hotline - Call Now for Immediate Assistance

Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor

Free 24/7 support at your fingertips

Connect with a trained crisis counselor to receive free crisis support via text message.


Holland, K. (2020, May 8). What COVID-19 is doing to our mental health. Healthline. Retrieved from

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