If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need immediate assistance, please call "988" and explain the nature of your problem to the operator.
We understand that navigating the world of mental health can be challenging, especially when you or someone you care for is facing a mental illness. That's why we've created this resource page dedicated to San Fernando Valley Mental Health Resources. Our aim is to help the San Fernando Valley Community find the support, information, and professional assistance it needs to make the journey a little bit easier.
The San Fernando Valley is home to a diverse community of over 1.8 million people. Mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, and with approximately one in four people experiencing a
mental health issue in their lifetime, it's crucial that we have access to reliable, local resources. In fact, the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health reports that nearly
2 million residents in the county experience some form of mental health disordereach year.
To help our community members find the help they need, we've carefully curated a list of resources available to San Fernando Valley residents, including mental health services, support groups, crisis hotlines, and more. Our goal is to empower you with information and support, so you can make informed decisions about your mental health and the well-being of your loved ones.
COVID-19 Resources
If you’re in Los Angeles or San Diego, you can schedule your appointment for your COVID-19 vaccination at the link below!
If you are in need of a COVID-19 test and are unable to receive one through your primary health care provider, you can schedule a FREE COVID-19 test through the link below.
The Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health has partnered with Headspace to offer LA County residents free subscriptions to its digital platform for improving mindfulness, relaxation and wellbeing.
Headspace's vast library of content includes guided meditations, workout videos and sleep-promoting sounds, all of which can be readily accessed from your computer, tablet or smartphone!
To learn more about Headspace and to sign up for your free subscription, please click the link below.
Use the resource guide linked below for app suggestions to help with mindfulness, meditation, and mental health support. Provided by the Los Angeles Department of Mental Health.
The Los Angeles Department of Mental Health presents apps, listed in the linked flyer, for your consideration. They provide a quick guide of resources available to promote wellbeing in simple daily activities.
You may find these apps to be useful for exercise, nutrition, education, emotional health, relaxation and practicing mindfulness. We’ve made things simple so you don’t have to sort through 100s of available apps to improve your wellbeing. These are an initial set of apps based on input received from the community.
Use the link below to access a comprehensive suicide prevention hotline resource guide provided by the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health.
Click the link below for more information on food resources to help families prevent hunger during this difficult time.
Visit the link below to view Los Angeles County data dashboard for COVID-19 related information, including:
Call (800) 854-7771 or 2-1-1 for Mental Health referrals in the Los Angeles Area. Also visit the link below for additional resources from the LADMH.
Mental health professionals are available Monday through Friday, from 6 am to 6 pm, to support in English, Spanish, and other languages. To speak with a mental health professional, please call 213-241-3840. You can also email questions to mentalhealth@lausd.net.
Tarzana Treatment Centers in Tarzana,CA has openings for Youth with Medi-Cal, ages 7 to 18, for mental health services. We also have immediate openings for Youth, ages 12 to 18, for substance use treatment. We are currently providing the opportunity for phone or telehealth for all of our services.
Please contact us at (818) 996-1051, ext. 3100, for more information or to set up an appointment.
The referral form and flyers for our mental health and substance use programs are linked below.
Your health and safety are always our top priority. To help you protect yourself and your loved ones, we’ve gathered the most important information and guidance on the coronavirus and COVID-19. Check back for the latest information as we continue to update this page.
While practicing physical distancing, there are easy self-care strategies that can help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, or prevent anxiety before it even starts.
Anxiety can vary in severity from mild uneasiness to a terrifying panic attack. Anxiety can also vary in how long it lasts — from a few moments to many years.
Feeling anxiety or depression is a common reaction in times of uncertainty or when there’s a perception of danger, and the COVID-19 situation certainly qualifies as such a time. This is something new and worrying that we are all facing together.
That’s why we encourage you to use tips from Mental Health First Aid to support those around you who might be feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or depressed. With these tips, you can #BeTheDifference for your loved ones while physical distancing and help them through this challenging time.
Virtual urgent care is available to everyone in our community. To see a virtual urgent care provider, visit dignityhealth.org/virtualcareanywhere, download the Virtual Care Anywhere App in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, or call 855-356-8053 and use the coupon code COVID19.
Patients can receive a free Virtual Care Anywhere visit if they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, including low-grade fever (100.4 or above), cough, or shortness of breath.
Immigrants in Los Angeles County, like all Angelinos, are worried about the coronavirus outbreak. Moreover, some immigrants are afraid that getting tested or treated will affect their immigration status.
Linked are answers to common questions. You should seek available testing and treatment, regardless of your immigration status.
The Teen Line hotline provides a safe, non-judgmental space for youth to talk about their worries with someone their age who 'gets it'. The hotline is staffed by highly trained teens and supervised by mental health professionals and is OPEN from 6-9PM every evening. Text 'TEEN' to 839863 or email our hotline. We also offer message boards for teens to talk to other teens, including anxiety around the Covid-19 virus, as well as tips for coping skills from teens on all of our social media platforms (Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, etc)
We also provide support resources for parents on our website at www.teenlineonline.org. We recently hosted a Facebook Live event for parents on Teen Line's Facebook page (@teenlineonline) to learn how they can support and help their kids navigate this difficult time.
California's Food Stamp Program has a new name "CalFresh." CalFresh is a Nutrition Assistance Program that can help people in low-income households purchase food by increasing their food-buying power.
If you are eligible for CalFresh assistance, you will receive an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) debit card. You can use your EBT card to purchase food items at grocery stores.
CHIRP Los Angeles provides a comprehensive list of locations across Los Angeles County providing food for those in need. Click the link below to find the location nearest you.
Attached is the SA 2 Navigators list which is a 24/7 helpline that provides resources to mental health information, service referrals and crisis intervention.
Department of Mental Health Access Center: (800) 854-7771
Please see the attached flyer for a list of mental health service providers for Los Angeles Service Area 2.
NAMI Urban Los Angeles ahora ofrecerá grupos de apoyo para Familiares y Conexión (inglés y español), clases y eventos EN LÍNEA con Zoom.
Para ser parte de nuestros grupos con Zoom, haga clic en el evento en nuestro calendario o en uno de los botones de inscripción para registrarse. Usted recibirá una confirmación por correo electrónico o de nuestra facilitadora: Rosa Alvarez.
Grupo de Apoyo para Familiares
Lunes 5:00-6:30PM
Grupo de Apoyo Conexión
Domingo 1:00-2:30pm
NAMI Urban Los Angeles ahora ofrecerá grupos de apoyo para Familiares y Conexión (inglés y español), clases y eventos EN LÍNEA con Zoom.
To join, click the meeting you wish to attend on our website's calendar linked below. You'll be emailed the Zoom meeting invitation once registration is confirmed.
Spanish Family Support Group/Grupo de Apoyo para Familiares
Monday/Lunes 5:00-6:30PM
Spanish Connection Support Group/Grupo de Apoyo Conexión
Sunday/Domingo 1:00-2:30pm
Caregiver Resources
NAMI Family-to-Family is a free, 8-session educational program for family, significant others and friends of people with mental health conditions. It is a designated evidenced-based program. This means that research shows that the program significantly improves the coping and problem-solving abilities of the people closest to a person with a mental health condition.
NAMI Family-to-Family is taught by NAMI-trained family members who have been there, and includes presentations, discussions and interactive exercises.
This webpage will help Californians understand assisted living, home care, and adult day care costs throughout the state. It also explores payment options and financial assistance programs available to assist in caring for the elderly, be that in residential care or for aging in place at home.
Many aging adults are unaware of the available care options and programs that can help them maintain their independence and quality of life. Linked below is a free resource that provides comprehensive information on topics like financial support and care options that are available in your area.
FREE small groups for individuals and family members
Small groups (usually a group of six to ten) share their mental illness problems and stories. Since everyone attending has or is going through the same things, everyone understands and offers comfort. Often someone has a helpful idea or describes a similar experience and how it worked out. NAMI San Fernando Valley is made up of volunteers who have faced mental illness and have experience that can help you. We’ve been there and we are here to help you. We welcome you to visit any of our regularly scheduled meetings. No one has to share unless he or she wants to. To receive the link please fill out this 2 question form at the link below.
Recovery Peer Support Groups
Connection Recovery Support Groups are a free, peer-led support group for adults living with mental illness.
Family Support Group is a peer-led support group for any adult with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition.
Strength United is committed to ending abuse, empowering families, and developing leaders. All of our groups offer a safe environment where survivors can share their experiences and learn new tools and coping strategies.
Current Support Groups:
Please view attached flyer for dates and additional information. To be referred to one of our groups, please call:
24-Hour Support and Crisis Lines
(818) 886-0453
(661) 253-0258
Reasons Teens Need To Be Involved In Youth Groups:
When: Thursdays at 4pm
Where: Zoom @ https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89007653711
988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. While some areas may be currently able to connect to the Lifeline by dialing 988, this dialing code will be available to everyone across the United States starting on July 16, 2022.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.
The SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990, is a 24/7, 365 days-a-year, national hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories. Stress, anxiety, and other depression-like symptoms are common reactions after a disaster.
MentalHealth.gov provides one-stop access to U.S. government mental health and mental health problems information. MentalHealth.gov aims to educate and guide:
This site represents one of the many ways in which LSC has applied technology to improve the provision of civil legal assistance to those in need. LSC funds 216 legal aid programs around the nation to help poor Americans gain equal access to the judicial system.
The Department of Health and Human Services is the United States government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.
The California Department of Health Care Services, Mental Health Services Division (MHSD) administers a number of mental health programs for Children and Youth, Adults and Older Adults.
The California Mental Health Parity law specifies several mental health conditions that must be covered and the kind of treatment that will be provided for those conditions. This state law also requires plans to provide mental health treatment under the same terms and conditions that are applied when treating medical conditions. The federal Affordable Care Act adds many other mental health and substance use disorder conditions and treatments that plans must cover if you are enrolled in individual or small group coverage.
This site is a storehouse of facility and key staff information within 1128 VA facilities. Designed for ease-of-use, information is categorized for browsing by state and administration, as well as by viewing through an interactive map of the United States. For added convenience, you can use the search feature to locate facility-related information quickly and accurately. Links to various VA services and policies are also available
Can’t resolve a problem with your HMO? Contact the California Department of Managed Health Care for more information. The Department of Managed Health Care created this web page as part of a pilot project to accept and review provider complaints. The new electronic submission will allow the Department to look at complaint submissions to ensure that health plans and their capitated providers have implemented claims processing standards, contract disclosures and the dispute resolution mandates of the Knox Keene Health Care Service Plans Act (AB1455).
The Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH), with a budget of approximately $2.4 billion, is the largest county-operated mental health department in the United States, directly operating programs in more than 85 sites, and providing services through contract programs and LACDMH staff at approximately 300 sites co-located with other County departments, schools, courts and various organizations. Each year, the County contracts with close to 1,000 organizations and individual practitioners to provide a variety of mental health-related services. On average, more than 250,000 County residents of all ages are served every year.
The ACCESS line serves as the primary entry point for mental health services with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Services provided by ACCESS line staff include:
These are links to Therapists that are located in the San Fernando Valley. These links are to a Psychology Today's directories.
NCADD’s HOPE LINE directs callers to numerous affiliate programs around the country to assist, at a local level, with substance abuse issues. Call 1-800-NCA-CALL (622-2255).
Connect with the Veterans Crisis Line to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs 24/7. Many of them are Veterans themselves.
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
Our highly-trained advocates are available 24/7/365 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship.
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender National Hotline is here for you.
The LGBT National Hotline is for all ages.
We provide a safe space that is anonymous and confidential where callers can speak on many different issues and concerns including, but limited to, coming out issues, gender and/or sexuality identities, relationship concerns, bullying, workplace issues, HIV/AIDS anxiety, safer sex information, suicide, and much more.
Sometimes you may need just to talk, or hear a kind voice. We’re here. You deserve to be heard. You deserve respect, support, affirmation and acceptance.
Connect with a trained crisis counselor to receive free crisis support via text message 24/7.
Lifeline Chat is a service of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, connecting individuals with counselors for emotional support and other services via web chat. All chat centers in the Lifeline network are accredited by CONTACT USA. Lifeline Chat is available 24/7 across the U.S.
The TrevorLifeline provides support to LGBTQ youths and allies in crisis or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk.
We all need healthy ways to cope with the hard stuff. We’re here to help you find a healthy alternative to self-harm. Call the number below, or text HOME to 741741.
The mission of Hillview Mental Health Center is to provide comprehensive, compassionate and culturally sensitive mental health services to adults and youths in the East San Fernando Valley.
Planned Parenthood Los Angeles is continuing to serve patients’ reproductive health care needs at this difficult time, but please call 1-800-576-5544, if possible, to make an appointment before visiting a health center. The health and safety of our patients and staff remains our top priority.
Poison control centers offer free, confidential, expert medical advice 24/7 through the Poison Help Line,1-800-222-1222, and our new online, interactive tool, PoisonHelp.org.
NCADD’s HOPE LINE directs callers to numerous affiliate programs around the country to assist, at a local level, with substance abuse issues. Call 1-800-NCA-CALL (622-2255).
AIDS Crisis Line Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Call NowConnect with the Veterans Crisis Line to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs 24/7. Many of them are Veterans themselves.
Contact the Helpline for support, resources and treatment options for yourself or a loved one.
Helpline phone hours are Monday-Thursday from 11AM to 9PM ET, and Friday from 11AM to 5PM ET.
Helpline chat hours are Monday-Thursday from 9AM to 9PM ET and Friday 9AM to 5PM ET.
Trans Lifeline is a trans-led organization that connects trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive. Call 877-565-8860 or visit the link below.
NAMI California is a grassroots organization of families and individuals whose lives have been affected by serious mental illness. We advocate for lives of quality and respect, without discrimination and stigma, for all our constituents. We provide leadership in advocacy, legislation, policy development, education and support throughout California.
Each Mind Matters is California’s Mental Health Movement. We are millions of individuals and thousands of organizations working to advance mental health. The mental health movement certainly didn’t start with us, but Each Mind Matters was created to unite all of us who share a vision of improved mental health and equality.
The mission of Mental Health America of California is to ensure that people of all ages, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, etc. who require mental health services and supports are able to live full and productive lives, receive the mental health services and other services that they need, and are not denied any other benefits, services, rights, or opportunities based on their need for mental health services.
The County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California (CBHDA) is a nonprofit advocacy association representing the behavioral health directors from each of California’s 58 counties, as well as two cities (Berkeley and Tri-City). We believe everyone should have access to quality behavioral health care.
The California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies (CBHA) is a statewide association of non-profit agencies dedicated to providing mental health and substance use disorder programs and services to those in need across our state.
The International Suicide Prevention Wiki (ISP Wiki) is a worldwide directory of suicide prevention hotlines, online chat, text-lines, and resources. The ISP Wiki is open source to be used by any individual or organization. This directory was created for the PostSecret App and may be used freely in other apps to instantly connect people in need to crisis centers near them.
Individual's trained in QPR learn how to recognize when someone is at risk for suicide, respond to someone in crisis and take action to help save a life. Register for this free training with Northridge Hospital Medical Center - Center for Healthier Communities today!
MHFA is process to help a person developing or experiencing a mental health problem or crisis until professional is available. MHFA is an evidence-based prevention tool, to improve the public's knowledge of mental health and substance use problems. Register for this free training with Northridge Hospital Medical Center - Center for Healthier Communities today!
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